// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'game_board.dart';
import 'game_board_scorer.dart';
class MoveSearchArgs {
MoveSearchArgs({required this.board, required this.player, required this.numPlies});
final GameBoard board;
final PieceType player;
final int numPlies;
/// A move and its score. Used by the minimax algorithm.
class ScoredMove {
final int score;
final Position move;
const ScoredMove(this.score, this.move);
// The [compute] function requires a top-level method as its first argument.
// This is that method for [MoveFinder].
Position? _findNextMove(MoveSearchArgs args) {
final bestMove =
_performSearchPly(args.board, args.player, args.player, args.numPlies - 1);
return bestMove?.move;
// This is a recursive implementation of minimax, an algorithm so old it has
// its own Wikipedia page:
ScoredMove? _performSearchPly(
GameBoard board,
PieceType scoringPlayer,
PieceType player,
int pliesRemaining,
) {
final availableMoves = board.getMovesForPlayer(player);
if (availableMoves.isEmpty) {
return null;
var score =
(scoringPlayer == player) ? GameBoardScorer.minScore : GameBoardScorer.maxScore;
ScoredMove? bestMove;
for (var i = 0; i < availableMoves.length; i++) {
final newBoard =
board.updateForMove(availableMoves[i].x, availableMoves[i].y, player);
if (pliesRemaining > 0 &&
newBoard.getMovesForPlayer(getOpponent(player)).isNotEmpty) {
// Opponent has next turn.
score = _performSearchPly(
pliesRemaining - 1,
)?.score ??
} else if (pliesRemaining > 0 && newBoard.getMovesForPlayer(player).isNotEmpty) {
// Opponent has no moves; player gets another turn.
score = _performSearchPly(
pliesRemaining - 1,
)?.score ??
} else {
// Game is over or the search has reached maximum depth.
score = GameBoardScorer(newBoard).getScore(scoringPlayer);
if (bestMove == null ||
(score > bestMove.score && scoringPlayer == player) ||
(score < bestMove.score && scoringPlayer != player)) {
bestMove = ScoredMove(score, Position(availableMoves[i].x, availableMoves[i].y));
return bestMove;
/// The [MoveFinder] class exists to provide its [findNextMove] method, which
/// uses the minimax algorithm to look for the best available move on
/// [initialBoard] a [GameBoardScorer] to provide the heuristic.
class MoveFinder {
final GameBoard initialBoard;
/// Searches the tree of possible moves on [initialBoard] to a depth of
/// [numPlies], looking for the best possible move for [player]. Because the
/// actual work is done in an isolate, a [Future] is used as the return value.
Future<Position?> findNextMove(PieceType player, int numPlies) {
return compute(
board: initialBoard,
player: player,
numPlies: numPlies,